Online shop Update

Added new items to our online shop. Please check below,

Yachimun TsunehideKobo : Tea cup, Square bowl, Octagon Plate
→See ‘TsunehideKobo items’ in our online shop

Yachimun Takumigama : DONBURI(Noodle bowl)
→See ‘Takumigama item’ in our online shop

Koishiwara-yaki Kurandogama : Flower vase, small bowl
→See ‘Kurandogama items’ in our online shop

↓If you click on each product image, you can see it in the online shop (external site).

Yachimun TsunehideKobo Tea cup
Yachimun TsunehideKobo Square Bowl
Yachimun TsunehideKobo Octagon Plate
Yachimun Takumigama Donburi(Noodle bowl)
Koishiwara-yaki Kurandogama Flower vases
Koishiwara-yaki Kurandogama Small bowl
Shiratake Bamboo Coaster