Online shop Update

Added new items to our online shop. Please check below,

Yachimun Toshingama : Small bowls, Big plate etc.
→See ‘Toshingama items’ in our online shop

Koishiwara-yaki Morikigama : Free cup, Ashtray
→See Morikigama items in our online shop

Mashiko-yaki Kenichigama : Small plates etc.
→See Kenichigama items in our online shop

↓The photo of each item link to our online shop(External site).

Yachimun Toshingama Large bowl 21cm

Yachimun Toshingama Plate 24cm
Yachimun Toshingama Bowl 15cm

Yachimun Toshingama Bowl 9cm

Yachimun Toshingama Bowl 9cm
Yachimun Toshingama Ice bucket
Koishiwara-yaki Morikigama Free cup
Koishiwara-yaki Morikigama Ashtray
Mashiko-yaki Kenichigama Square plate
Mashiko-yaki Kenichigama Small plate 9cm