Pottery &.

What Soil ASAKUSA handles


YACHIMUN (Okinawa) ; Takumigama / TsunehideKobo / Toshingama

KOISHIWARAYAKI (Fukuoka) ; OnimaruToyokigama / Kurandogama / Morikigama

HASAMI-YAKI (Nagasaki) ; 1ryuToen / Shohogama

Mashiko-YAKI (Tochigi) ; Enokidagama / Kenichigama / Tsukamoto


Ryukyu Glass (Okinawa) ; Okuhara Glass Factory


AIZU MOMEN(Cotton) (Fukushima); HARPPA

BAMBOO and STRAW WORKS (various places in Japan)


■Takumigama YACHIMUN / Okinawa

▸You can see more Takumigama items in our Online shop

■TsunehideKobo YACHIMUN / Okinawa

▸You can see more TsunehideKobo items in our Online shop

■Toshingama YACHIMUN / Okinawa

▸You can see more Toshingama items in our Online shop

■OnimaruToyokigama KOISHIWARA-YAKI / Fukuoka

▸You can see more Onimarutoyokigama items in our Online shop

■Kurandogama KOISHIWARA-YAKI / Fukuoka

▸You can see more Kurandogama items in our Online shop

■Morikigama KOISHIWARA-YAKI / Fukuoka

▸You can see more Morikigama items in our Online shop

■1ryuToen HASAMI-YAKI / Nagasaki

▸You can see more 1ryuToen items in our Online shop

■Shohogama HASAMI-YAKI / Nagasaki

▸You can see more Shohogama items in our Online shop

■Enokidagama MASHIKO-YAKI / Tochigi

▸You can see more Enokidagama items in our Online shop

■Kenichigama MASHIKO-YAKI / Tochigi

▸You can see more Kenichigama items in our Online shop

■Tsukamoto MASHIKO-YAKI / Tochigi

▸You can see more Tsukamoto items in our Online shop

■Okuhara Glass Factory RYUKYU GLASS / Okinawa

▸You can see more Okuhara Glass Factory item in our Online shop

■HARPPA AIZU MOMEN(Cotton) / Fukushima

▸You can see more Aizu momen item in our Online shop

■Bamboo and Straw works Various places in Japan

▸You can see more Bamboo and Straw works in our Online shop